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Josh' Story

There are many ways to lose your life to law enforcement, police brutality, the lack of training and just indifference.  We know the names of many who have suffered this fate, and sadly we are all familiar with their names.

Breonna Taylor, Daunte Wright, Stephon Clark, Manuel Lewis, George Floyd and in New Hampshire Jason Rothe.  The list goes on.

This story is about another who has lost his life to the ineptness, corruption, ambition and just plain laziness of law enforcement in the state.

Josh was accused of sexually assaulting his daughter, "Cheryl."  The first account sais 'at least 500 times'. but was later revised to 8.The story originated with a transgender friend of 'Cheryl's".  This friend was Never interviewed by anyone in law enforcement, neither was their mother, who had called 'Cheryl's" mother and grandmother both "crazy" on a FB post, because of the interaction that both her and her child had with them.

This case has ignited debates and concerns about the justice system and how cases are tried, based on bias and preconceived notions and not on facts.  Several issues have been raised in regards to the way the entire case was handled from the defense attorney stating that Josh needed to register as a sex offender, shortly after his arrest.  Josh was told by his attorney that the trial delays were a good thing for him, 'It will give you more time out.'The story itself changed at least 6 times, including the night before trial, the first interview that "Cheryl" had with the police was 'lost', (was this on purpose...had she been coached?)

There was no police investigation, no physical evidence except for a 30 year old clothesline that was still looped as it had been in the package, covered with dust that was stored in the basement. and a roll of duct tape, that had spent it's life on a hook in the cellar doorway until it was moved during the search.

No other evidence was offered, no DNA, no fingerprints, no cell phone or computer records, no interviews with family members, teachers or pediatrician.

The detcetive who was in charge of the case had been previously critized by the same judge in an earlier, similar case for the way he had used the Reid Technique and the 'close call' with Miranda rights.  Exactly the same as in Josh's case.

Josh's parents testified that as Josh was living with them the allegations could not possibly be true as they were always home during the times the alleged abuse happened.  All testimony from his family was dismissed by the prosecutor, and his own attorney said that 'Cheryl's' mother seemed credible while he called the facts, 'implausible.'

One of the detectives who was present at the home search resigned from the police department less than a year after this case citing "credibility issues at the top that we no longer want to be part of.'

Shortly after this they were all placed on the infamous Laurie List, now called Exculpatory Evidence Schedule by the police chief for 'truthfulness', although much of the list has been redacted.

Joshua was  found guilty , after only two hours of jury deliberation and sentenced to 30-60 years in prison, (on his mother's birthday).

People do not realize how easy it is for someone to be accused of this horrific crime, especially if there is no investigation, no way to counter the lies.  He was found guilty solely on the ever changing story of a confused 14 year old, after years of being bullied by her mother.  The only time during the whole process that 'Cheryl" showed any emotion was when she was caught in a lie during her testimony.  She stated that Josh's parents had been in Connecticut during one of these incidents vsiting her great grandparents, who had both died the year before.

There will be more information, trial testimony and emails that will be posted on this site.  WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO END WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS.

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